Welcome to the Wave Runners Learn to Swim lesson registration page.

Registration for Swim Lessons 2024
Now Available

Lesson Details

Our Lessons Start at Level A and go to Level F. Details of what participants must complete to successfully go on to the next level are listed in the Accordions below. (While a participant may require more than one set of lessons to complete a level, it is also possible to complete multiple levels in a single set of lessons)

  • Enter and exit shallow water
  • Jump into chest-deep water
  • Jump into deep water wearing PFD
  • Tread water 30sec. Wearing PDF
  • Hold breath underwater 5 sec.
  • Submerge and exhale 5 times
  • Open eyes underwater
  • Float on front 5 sec
  • Float on back 5 sec
  • roll laterally front to back and back to front
  • Glide on front 3m
  • Glide on back 3m
  • Glide on side 3m
  • Flutter kick on front 5 m
  • Flutter kick on back 5m
  • Front crawl 5m wearing PFD
  • Jump into deep water, return and exit
  • Sideways entry wearing PDF
  • Recover object from bottom in chest deep water
  • Flutter kick on front 10m
  • Flutter kick on back 10m
  • Flutter kick on side 10m
  • Whip kick in vertical position 30sec with aid
  • Front crawl 10m
  • Back crawl 10m
  • Interval training: 4x5m flutter kick with 20sec rest
  • Kneeling dive into deep water
  • Forward roll entry into deep water
  • Handstand in shallow water
  • Front somersault (in water)
  • Jump into deep water, Tread 30sec and swim/kick 25m
  • Tread water 30 sec
  • Flutter kick on front 5m; reverse direction and flutter kick on back 5m
  • Whip kick on back 10m
  • Front crawl 15m
  • Back crawl 15m
  • Interval training: 4x15m flutter kick with 20 sec rest
  • Standing dive into deep water
  • Tread water 1 min
  • Swim underwater 5m
  • Roll entry into deep water, tread 1 min, and swim 50m
  • Whip kick on front 15m
  • Breaststroke arms drill 15m
  • Front crawl 25m
  • Back crawl 25m
  • Interval training: 2×25 front or back crawl wit 20 sec rest
  • Sprint front crawl 25m
  • Shallow dive into deep water
  • Tuck jump (Cannonball) into deep water
  • Jump entry into deep water, and tread 2 min
  • Stationary eggbeater kick 30 sec
  • Back somersault (in water)
  • Roll entry into deep water, tread 90 sec, and swim 75m
  • Breaststroke 25m
  • Front crawl 50m
  • Backcrawl 50m
  • Head-up front crawl 10m
  • Interval training: 4 x 50m front or back crawl with 30sec rest
  • Interval Training: 4 x 15m breaststroke with 30sec rest
  • Sprint front crawl 25m
  • Sprint back crawl 25m
  • Stride entry into deep water
  • Compact jump into deep wateer
  • legs-only surface support 45 sec
  • Swim underwater 10m to recover object
  • Eggbeater kick on back 15m
  • Scissors kick 15m
  • Breaststroke 50m
  • Front crawl 100m
  • Back crawl 100m
  • Head-up swim 25m
  • Interval training: 4x25m breaststroke with 30 sec rest
  • Distance swim 300m