Please fill out the WaveRunners 2024 form Swimmers Name *If it should be necessary for my child, {name-1} , to receive emergency medical treatment, I hereby give my permission to the Clarenville WaveRunners Swim Club and its representatives to obtain medical assistance. In the event that any of the people named are unable to be contacted, or the situation demands immediate action, I give my consent to a licensed physician/emergency response team to administer the medical treatment deemed necessary, including hospitalization. I understand that every reasonable effort will be made to contact me or the specified alternate contacts in such event. I will not hold the Clarenville WaveRunners Swim Club, the Wave Hotel and Fitness Center, or it’s representatives responsible for any injuries that may occur or for treatment administered to my child.I Agree to the Legal Permission and Waiver as stated above. *YesNoI/We hereby give permission for the WaveRunners Swim Club to photograph/videotape my child with the understanding that the sole use of the photographs/video will be for the promotion of Clarenville WaveRunners Swim Club and said Photographs/Video may be displayed either on brochures, newspaper articles, or other promotional materials.I Agree to the Media Release as stated above. *YesNoI/We hereby give permission to distribute swim club lists to all swimmers with our child’s name on it.I Agree to my child's name being distributed as stated above. *YesNoI/We the parents or legal guardians of the above named child, do hereby give permission for him/her to participate in the 2024 Swim Club Program sponsored by the Clarenville WaveRunners Swim Club.I Agree my child may participate as stated above *YesNoI/We acknowledge and agree that he/she may use any and all facilities when permitted at his/her own risk and shall not cause or permit proceedings on behalf of myself or my child to be brought against the club, its members or employees.I Agree to the facility wavier as stated above. *YesNoDatedSignature *Start signing your signature hereYour browser does not support e-Signature field.Send Message